
28. J. Yu, M. Gaedke, S. Das, D. L. Stares, C. A. Schalley and F. Schaufelberger, “Bioderived Rotaxanes via Dynamic Covalent Boron Chemistry”, ChemRxiv, 2023, 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-v95p8.
This manuscript is a pre-print and has not undergone peer-review

27. M. Zhang, R. Nixon, F. Schaufelberger, L. Pirvu, G. De Bo and D. A. Leigh. ”Mechanical Scission of a Knotted Polymer”, Nat. Chem. 2024,

26. F. Schaufelberger, “Vintage ligand powers switchable molecular motors”, Chem, 2023, 9, 2053-2055 (invited Preview article)

25. S. Beeren, C. T. McTernan and F. Schaufelberger, The Mechanical Bond in Biological Systems, Chem, 2023, 9, 1378-1412. Alphabetical author order.

24. S. Das and F. Schaufelberger, Interlocked Molecules on Active Duty, Nat. Chem. 2023, 15, 160-162. (invited News & Views article).

23. J. Yu, M. Gaedke, F. Schaufelberger, Dynamic Covalent Chemistry for Synthesis and Co-Conformational Control of Mechanically Interlocked Molecules, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2023, 26, e202201130. *Equal author contributions.
- Invited contribution to the NextGenOrgChem Investigator Issue.
- Designated Very Important Paper (VIP)
- Selected for the Front Cover

22. Z. Ashbridge, O. M. Knapp, E. Kreidt, D. A. Leigh, L. Pirvu, F. Schaufelberger, Social Self-Sorting Synthesis of Molecular Knots, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 17232-17240. Alphabetical author order.

21. Z. Ashbridge, S. D. P. Fielden, D. A. Leigh, L. Pirvu, F. Schaufelberger, L. Zhang, Knotting matters: orderly molecular entanglements, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2022, 51, 7779-7809. Alphabetical author order.
- Featured on the front cover

20. Z. Ashbridge, E. Kreidt, L. Pirvu, F. Schaufelberger, J. Halldin Stenlid, F Abild-Pedersen, D. A. Leigh, Vernier Template Synthesis of Molecular Knots, Science, 2022, 375, 1035-1041.
- Highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News

19. F. Schaufelberger and O. Ramström, Activated Self-Resolution and Error-Correction in Catalytic Reaction Networks, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 10335-10340.

18. Y. Song*, F. Schaufelberger*, Z. Ashbridge*, L. Pirvu*, I. J. Vitorica-Yrezabal, D. A. Leigh, Effects of Turn-Structure on Folding and Entanglement in Artificial Molecular Overhand Knots, Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 1826-1833. *Equal author contributions.

17. F. Schaufelberger, Open Questions in Functional Molecular Topology, Comms. Chem. 2020, 3, 182.

16. D. A. Leigh, F. Schaufelberger*, L. Pirvu*, J. Halldin Stenlid, D. August and J. Segard, Tying Different Knots in a Molecular Strand, Nature, 2020, 584, 562-568. *Equal author contributions.
- Named one of the Molecules of the Year 2020 by Chemical & Engineering News.
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- Highlighted by ChemViews

 15. N. Katsonis, F. Lancia, D. A. Leigh, L. Pirvu, A. Ryabchun and F. Schaufelberger, Knotting a Molecular Strand Can Invert Macroscopic Effects of Chirality, Nat. Chem. 2020, 12, 939-944. Alphabetical author order.
- Highlighted in Chemistry World

14. F. Schaufelberger, K. Seigel and O. Ramström. Hydrogen-Bond Catalysis of Imine Exchange in Dynamic Covalent Systems, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 15581-15588.

13. C. Biagini, S. D. P. Fielden, D. A. Leigh, F. Schaufelberger, S. Di Stefano and D. Thomas, Dissipative Catalysis with a Molecular Machine, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 9876-9880. Alphabetical author order.
- Featured on the Front Cover
- Featured on ’Top Downloaded Angewandte Chemie Paper List 2018-2019’

12. D. A. Leigh, L. Pirvu and F. Schaufelberger, Stereoselective Synthesis of Molecular Square and Granny Knots, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 6054-6059. Alphabetical author order.

11. D. A. Leigh, L. Pirvu, F. Schaufelberger, D. J. Tetlow and L. Zhang, Reversibly Securing a Supramolecular Architecture with a Stopper Knot, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10484-10488. Alphabetical author order.

10. B. J. J. Timmer, F. Schaufelberger, D. Hammarberg, J. Franzén, O. Ramström and P. Dinér, Simple and Effective Integration of Green Chemistry and Sustainability Education into an Existing Organic Chemistry Course, J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 95, 1301-1306.

9. F. Schaufelberger, B. J. J. Timmer and O. Ramström, Resolving a Reactive Organometallic Intermediate from a Dynamic Directing Group System by Selective C-H Activation, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 101-104.

8. F. Schaufelberger, B. J. J. Timmer and O. Ramström, ”Principles of Dynamic Covalent Chemistry”, in Dynamic Covalent Chemistry: Principles, Reactions and Application (eds. W. Zhang, Y. Jin), 2017, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

7. F. Schaufelberger and O. Ramström, Kinetic Self-Sorting of Dynamic Covalent Catalysts with Systemic Feedback Regulation, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 7836-7839.
- Highlighted by Science Blogs - In the Pipeline

6. F. Schaufelberger, L. Hu and O. Ramström, Trans-symmetric Dynamic Covalent Systems: Connected Transamination and Transimination Reactions, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 9776-9783.

5. F. Schaufelberger and O. Ramström, Dynamic Covalent Organocatalysts Discovered from Catalytic Systems through Rapid Deconvolution Screening, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 12735-12740.

4. L. Hu, F. Schaufelberger, B. J. J. Timmer, M. Abellán Flos and O. Ramström, "Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry", in the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2014, Wiley-VHC.

3. Y. Zhang, F. Schaufelberger, M. Sakulsombat, C. Liu and O. Ramström, Asymmetric Dynamic Kinetic Resolution for the Synthesis of 1,3-Oxathiolan-5-one Derivatives, Tetrahedron, 2014, 70, 3826-3831.
- Highlighted in Synfacts

2. N. Hjalmarsson, R. Álvarez Asencio, J. Sweeney, F. U. Shah, F. Schaufelberger, O. Ramström, O. N. Antzukin, R. Atkin, S. Glavatskih and M. Rutland, Biodegradable Ionic Liquids as Lubricants, 5th World Tribology Congress, 2013, 2, 1608-1611.

1. L. Hu, F. Schaufelberger, Y. Zhang and O. Ramström, Efficient Asymmetric Synthesis of Lamivudine via Enzymatic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 10376-10378.